Monday, February 7, 2022

First post of 2022

Hey hey! It's already 2022!!! I'm two months late. Lol! Better late than never!

Let me see where should I start???

Let's rewind a bit to last year! VK gave me a tablet and I painted the plain cover using acrylic paint...
I've finally experiemented with wax seals.
First workshop since forever...
Then there was Christmas. Paint set from Erin!
Cute Rudolph butter cookies from Foret Blanc.
A gift for me and PH. I got her the same words.
Involving lots of good food...

My #bestnine for 2021
And now to 2022...

First crochet
AZ Booster! #boosted
Learn to appreciate Korean poetry
First bubbly since forever...#teamwhitewine
And finally CNY!